
Walking in a Craftsy Wonderland!


The man is a machine. Chef Nicholas does not mess around when it comes to his profession. He is currently in Chicago teaching at the French Pastry School, but what he was doing last week is what I think will interest you most. RIGHT after the Thanksgiving holiday the Craftsy team flew into Atlanta. They had a lot to get done…

 On November 29th three fantastic members of the Craftsy team flew into Atlanta to film not one, not two, not three, but FOUR new Craftsy classes! You read that right: FOUR NEW CLASSES! These four classes will bring my total number of Craftsy classes to 11! And no, Christmas is not coming early this year, you will have to wait until 2016 to enjoy these four new classes. I promise each and every one of them will be worth it! Of course, Chef Nicholas and Craftsy will have fun giveaways as each class is released (yay!). Once the times comes for each of the classes to be released, I will happily announce it to all of you! I know you will be waiting with baited breath!

Since I can’t really tell you anything more than that there are classes coming your way, I thought I could at least share some photos of the Craftsy shoot with you! I’m sneaky like that… 

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A truck full of filming supplies!

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I love that I can say we are filming on location. Makes me… oops, I mean Chef Nicholas, sound like such a superstar!

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The classroom sure looks a lot different during the Craftsy class shoots!

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Chef Nicholas with a beard?! Nope, that’s Tim, the videographer, setting up one of many cameras.

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That’s a wrap! Since I can’t share any photos of the class projects, here is a photo if the amazing team that worked with Chef Nicholas last week. From left to right: Donna (make-up artist), Max (technical director), Chef Nicholas (duh), Brendan (producer), and Tim (videographer). Thanks everyone!

Oh, and one last reminder about a class that I can tell you all about. Please don’t forget that there is still time to enter the giveaway for a free four-hour private class with Chef Nicholas! All you have to do is email me (stephanie@nicholaslodge.com) by December 19th at midnight, and answer this question: Why (my friend and) I would like to win a private class with Chef Nicholas. That’s it! Well, answer the question (200 words or less) and please BE SURE to include your full name and email address so that I can contact the winner- you can’t win if I don’t know who you are or how to get in touch with you! Once I have collected all the responses, I will turn them over to Chef Nicholas who will select a winner! On the December 24th edition of the blog I will announce the winner! If you ask me, that is a pretty spectacular Christmas gift. Don’t forget that you can win for yourself, or for yourself AND a friend! 

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That’s it for me today my friends! Oh, I do hope you have been enjoying the 12 Deals of Christmas sale we have been having! There are still a few days of fun items left before the sale is over. I hope you have all found fun and useful gifts for yourself or for your loved ones.

Sweetly yours, 


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